//C# using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class Program{ static void Main(){ var words=Console.ReadLine() .Trim() .Split(' '); var wordCount=new Dictionary<string,int>(); foreach(var word in words){ if(wordCount.ContainsKey(word)){ wordCount[word]++; } else{ wordCount.Add(word,1); } } foreach(var v in wordCount){ Console.WriteLine($"{v.Key} {v.Value}"); } } } //JavaScript const rl=require("readline").createInterface(process.stdin); const g=function*(){ var words=(yield rl.once("line",v=> .trim() .split(" "); var wordCount=new Map(); for(let word of words){ if(wordCount.has(word)){ wordCount.set(word,wordCount.get(word)+1); } else{ wordCount.set(word,1); } } for(let [key,value] of wordCount){ console.log(`${key} ${value}`); } }();; #Python words=(input() .strip() .split(" ")) wordCount=dict(); for word in words: if word in wordCount: wordCount[word]+=1 else: wordCount[word]=1 for key,value in wordCount.items(): print(f"{key} {value}")